Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Root Canals Are A Blast: A Dedication To Megan.

Sup dawgs? It is 1:38 and I'm chilling watching 8 Simple Rules. I'm so sick of tv. I have most likely spent 96 hours of the last 120 hours of my life watching tv and feeling sorry for myself. It's been good. Okay so people keep calling me asking how I am. First off, how does everyone know? How many people did my mom tell? And two, like, obviously my mouth hurts. I don't want to talk to you or anyone right now. So stop calling. But seriously did she tell the whole world? Okay. So, let's do a play by play of the root canal shindig. So I got to the place. It was on the third floor. Mom made us take the stairs. *shudder*. So we go in and there is this lil italian lady at the receptionist desk. She was pretty clueless. So apparently we needed all of this paperwork from the dentist, which he never gave us. So there was this whole big ordeal but we finally got it settled. So then the lady called me back and took some X-rays. I had to put this thing in my mouth and bite down. Like, doesn't she know I'm in pain? Specialists should know stuff like that. So the xray came out looking worse than expected. Oh my mom brought me home a milkshake! So where was I? Oh right. So yeah. It apparently was extra bad. The infection thing was the size of a dime. And then the guys all like oh well it could be more than one tooth. And he says it all casually like it's not a big deal. But luckily he said it's not bad yet but it will get bad. There's just a hole chilling in my tooth, ready for infection. So I have to get it filled. And I can't chew on that side of my mouth until it's filled. And I can't get into the dentist til mid July, so I am gonna have a good life. Anywho. So after he told me that, he explained the procedure to me, not that I cared. It made no difference to me how he got rid of the pain, just as long as it did. So then he rubbed this gel on my gums and then said, here comes the worst part. Just a little jolt. Okay no. Not a little "jolt." He killed me with novicane. I almost died. That thing was in my gum for a good five minutes. It hurt. Loads. So then I had to wait for ten minutes for it to completely numb. So the lady gave me this national geographic magazine. Like, no. This isn't the time. Seriously? So then the big man on campus comes back in and lays me down. And I happen to notice there are fake windows on the ceiling. One had a palm tree. Like, when was the last time you saw a palm tree in Ohio? Plus we were on the third floor of a five story building. That's not how life works. Sorry. So I'm laying here with this stupid magazine in my hands, and he puts this lil rubber contraption and pulls my tooth through. It was so weird and tasted like llama fur. And don't forget the sunglasses they gave me. Not exactly sure why. But they just took my glasses off and put some sunglasses on. I was sorta confused. But that's okay I guess. So then they started drilling holes into my teeth. You know, the norm. It was swell. Not to be confused with swollen. Which also was the case. So after a while, you know, I'm in all this pain, etc, and that son of a gun has the nerve to ask me to hold this tool shindig thing in my mouth. Like, what? Are you kidding me? Okay. H8 you too. So after about 45 minutes, all was done. I was escorted back into the waiting room and surprise, scooter was out there with mom. It was pleasant. So we all left like one big happy family. As we're on the stairs, I noted that my bottom teeth still hurt. So scooter, being the kind of scooter he is, made us go back upstairs and made the doctor check my teeth again. I had to get more xrays which hurt more, and nothing was wrong. So. We left again. And I think that basically wraps it up. Except me neighbor just brought me cut up fruit. Yet another person who knows about my misfortunes. Thanks mom. Alright, catch y'all later. Stay fresh.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Now You Know My ABCs.

Hi everyone. I know I just got this shindig yesterday, an this is already my second post, but gosh darnit isn't this why I have a blog? To express my feelings whenever I want? Why yes it is. Okay. Great. So. I will start expressing my feelings. What should I talk about? How about my view on every letter of the alphabet. In that case, I need to change the title of this blog.Alright. So let's start with A. I really am tired of that letter. Every single solitary time I write my name I have to use an A. I'm getting bored with it. Okay B. Hate the letter. I don't know why. I just do. C. I love C. Turned on its side, it looks like a little rainbow. I can just picture unicorns and fairies prancing around it. D. I also love. It makes me really really happy. Cause it is like a big smile. So great. E. E makes me mad. Like okay. The capital I is just a straight line, right? And here is little ol E, with THREE DANG LINES. Like, you're so selfish. Share the wealth. I can't even waste any more time talking or thinking about it. F. I don't like Fs. F means failure. I don't like to fail. Therefore I don't like F. G. Hm. I guess I've never really thought about G. I mean, it could be many Different things. It could be great. But it could also be gross. I just don't know. It's confusing to me. H is nice. It's so symmetrical it makes me laugh. I'm so happy just thinking about it. He knows what he is doing. He should be closer to the beginning. I. Like I said before, I feel bad for it. It's just a line. Maybe if E wasn't so jealous, I would be more exciting. But no. J. I love j. I don't even think I could explain my love for it. I am obsessed with it. I secretly write it down a lot, just because I love writing it so much. K. I like K. Not like I like J, obviously. But I do like it. It's a nice letter. L. So simple, yet so wonderful. LLLLLLLLLLL. look at that beauty. M. M reminds me of mmmmmmmmmm. Like yum, food. And I definitely like food. So I definitely like M. N i hate. What it ever did to me, I don't know. But N to me is like the popular girl to a nerd. They never really did anything to you, but you just hate em cause you ain't them. I guess I never really use N, so I don't understand it. O is amazing. Ooooooooooo. Like. It's a circle. Just a circle. I love circles. And O. P is like a wannabe B. It's just not working. Sorry. Q is another one i don't like because I think it is a wannabee O. You're not, so just stop talking. R is cool. Actually the only reason I like it is because racecar starts with an r and is the same word backwards. S is awesome. It's like a caterpillar all scrunched up. Cute. T is a good letter because well. I don't know. It just is. U is cool because it reminds me of a lake. I don't know why. It just does. And I like lakes. So there. V is cool because it is like a peace sign with your fingers. Love it. W is annoying. It's like two V's. And I really like V. And I feel like W is just trying to be better than V. X is cool too. Cause there is only a small group of words that start with x. So it's very rare, just like snow in the summer. It's a beautiful thing. Y is cute because it reminds me of two words. Yellow and young. And both of those words make me happy. Z is also nice because well. Last but not least. Obviously not last but not greatest either. But it is dece. So yeah. Hope you enjoyed this. Stay fresh. I'm gonna end all of my posts in that. Okay. So. Stay fresh.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My very first post. Awesome.

Hello y'all. I hope this blog turns out as a success. I hope to entertain each and every one of you, aka, like Anna and Becca. So yeah.what should I write about? My day? Okay. So I woke up with this nice toothache that I have had for almost a week now. Plus my cheeks were swollen. It is cool. So I went to church. Scoping out hotties, there were none. It was ridic. Then. Lets see. I came home. Watched last weeks edition of pretty little liars. Prett legit. And yes I meant to say prett. Not pretty. Then I had to go clean an office with my mom cause she is bratty. Ouch my teeth hurt. So then I went to dicks because my mom insisted on buying a new canopy. And the bag was ripped so instead of getting another canopy with a non ripped bag, she complained until they gave her 10% off the darn thing. Then we went to shoe carnival and jack got these ugly sk8er boi shoes because he thinks he is a sk8er boi. My teeth hurt. Then we came home and I watched iparty with victorious. It was the fourth time in two days. I just can't get enough of Miranda cosgrove. She's a dream. So then I watched gotta kick it up again. Which I also watched this morning at three thirty. My dad just came in and I had to hide my blog cause I was a tad embarrassed. But he is gone now. So back to my day. After gotta kick it up, my family all went to my cousins grad party. I didn't. Partially because my teeth hurt and partially because I wanted to watch the duggars grandson special. So I watched that, which was a really good time. Then I wasted an hour and a half on some trashy teenagers getting pregnant with twenty five year old losers who don't have jobs and just play video games and live in barns. Aka, sixteen and pregnant. My teeth hurt. So as of now I have made the wise decision to watch this new episode of good luck Charlie. And next is so random. Which reminds me. I also watched an episode of so random today. With cody Simpson. And I fell in love. But he is only fourteen. But still older than Dom. So if Dom is old enough, so is cody. My teeth really really hurt. If I die tonight, cause of my teeth, I'll miss you all. My dad just gave me allergy medicine. Yeah dad, it's probably allergies. Oh good. On Disney channel there is this kid who's fave sport is dog frisbee. Aka, you throw frisbees against other people. Cool. His dogs name is Gunnar. So that is a plus. The kid has a comb over thing and wears sweater vests for competitions. My kind of man. I wish I was raven symone. Just saying. I feel like watching a scary movie. But I have none. Well I have all of the nightmare on elm streets but I have seen them all about 38 times each and I am kinda sick of them. I feel like this is really boring. I'm very sorry. I don't know what to say. I could always watch lemonade Mouth. I have that. Here comes dad again. Just go to bed please. Thanks. Wow this is a quality show. Okay. Well. I'll wrap this up. Peace y'all. Stay fresh.